Hello, I’m Jo.
I’m a creative with extensive experience in digital as well as traditional design.
I graduated from Cape Tech (CPUT) with a diploma in graphic design. After studying I spent some time traveling the UK. With my travel bug satiated, I returned to Cape Town and started working as a designer at a small printing company. Although my expertise is now predominantly in the digital realm, I often draw from my traditional graphics upbringing and work experience to lend a meticulous eye to all work I do. After all, the devil is in the details.
I have spent the majority of my career as a designer & later Creative Director at Clickthinking. Here I gained invaluable experience in various disciplines, including strategy, technical work, project and account management, aside from my primary role as designer and managing our studio.
After eleven years at Clickthinking, I decided to embrace my craft, refresh my vision and go it alone.
These days I divide my time equally between digital work and my other passion, my brand Pretty Pretty, where I run a successful blog and create hand crafted accessories.
If you are interested in doing some work with me please drop me a line here.